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Reading Skills: Unit 6 Lesson 23
Story of the Week: "Whistle for Willie"
Target Skill: Cause and Effect  
Grammar: Possessive Pronouns
Writing: Narrative Writing: Story Sentences 
Phonics: Vowel Digraph oo, Syllables 


Math:  Chapter 10  "Representing Data with Graphs"

*Students should be able to add and subtract two-digit numbers.

* Students can count coins- pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters

*Students can identify picture, bar, and tally charts

*Students can interpret graphs

Students can make graphs with title, headings, and data

*Students can tell time and write time in hours and half hours

Math Vocabulary:  

money- penny, nickel, dime, quarter


bar graph

picture graph

tally chart





Science:  Unit 6:  "Living Things-Plants and Animals"

Students will be able to:

make observations of living things and their environment

identify major parts of plants

differentiate between living and non-living things

Science Vocabulary:

living- people, animals, and plants are living things that need food, air, and water.

non-living- things that do not grow and change and do not need food, air, or water.

reproduce- make new living things like themselves.

environment- all of the living and non-living things in a place.

flowers- make a plant's seeds.

cone- hold a plant's seeds when the plant does not have flowers.

mammal- has fur or hair, is warm-blooded, and gives its babies milk, babies born alive.

bird- has feathers, a beak, and wings, lays eggs.

reptile- has dry skin and scales, lays eggs.

fish- has scales and fins, lives in water, breathe with gills.

insect- has three body parts and six legs, has no backbone, has a hard shell, lays eggs.

amphibian- has smooth or bumpy, wet skin, lay eggs in water, live in water, then on land.   

Social Studies: Unit 1 ​​​   Timelines- "Now and Then"

-How has life changed over time?​

-Why do we celebrate people and events?

-How do people show character?

-Why do we read stories?

-What are timelines?

  Social Studies Vocabulary:

  • history- the story of people and events from long ago

  • time line-shows the order of events

  • community-a place where people live, work, and play

  • technology-making things faster and easier

  • fact- something that is true

  • holidays-days when we remember and honor special people or events

  • culture- the way a group of people live

  • honesty-to tell the truth

  • courage- being brave

  • responsibility- doing what you are supposed to do

  • fables- stories that teach lessons

  • tall tales- exaggerates details in a story

  • fiction- something that is not true

  • non-fiction- informational, true, real 

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